
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2008

Sine, Cosine and the Measurement of the Earth

It was in school that most of us first flirted with trigonometry, simultaneously being handed the scientific calculator for the first time in order to determine the sines, cosines and tangents of angles. For some of us – perhaps its more accurate to say only a few – these strange functions were met with fascination and glee, representing the first real encounter with non-trivial mathematics. In most cases, the presentation of trigonometry is delivered in the context of problems involving triangles, which quite rapidly become rather repetitive and dull. Consequently, many students do not appreciate the crucial relevance and importance of trigonometry in solving more interesting and complex problems, drawn from astronomy, cartography and navigation, to name a few fields. Moreover, merrily determining unknown angles and sides of triangles with full dependence on the calculator, we do not stop to ask how, say, the sine of a particular angle could be worked out without a computing machine, ...

The Ancien Piri Reis Map

The Map The Piri Reis Map, shown on the left, is the oldest surviving map to show the Americas. It is not European, surprisingly, but Turkish. It bears a date of 919 in the Moslem calendar, corresponding to 1513 in the Western Calendar. It is in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, a fabulous museum and the locale for a truly awful movie in the late 1960's. (I've been there - the real place bears no resemblance to the place in the movie.) The map was lost for a long time and only rediscovered in the 20th century. Apart from its great historic interest, the map has been alleged to contain details no European could have known in the 1500's, and therefore proves the existence of ancient technological civilizations, visits by extraterrestrials, or both. The map is a portolan chart, a common form at this time. Instead of latitude and longitude grids, compass roses were placed at key points with azimuths radiating from them. That said, the east-west lines through the small rose off S...

Asal-usul kata Algoritma

Istilah algoritma, mungkin bukan sesuatu yang asing bagi kita. Teman-teman ada yang tahu arti kata ‘algoritma’? Ditinjau dari asal-usul katanya, kata ‘Algoritma’ mempunyai sejarah yang agak aneh. Orang hanya menemukan kata Algorism yang berarti proses menghitung dengan angka Arab. Seseorang dikatakan ‘Algorist’ jika menghitung menggunakan angka Arab. Para ahli bahasa berusaha menemukan asal kata ini namun hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Akhirnya para ahli sejarah matematika menemukan asal kata tersebut yang berasal dari nama penulis buku Arab terkenal, yaitu Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibnu Musa Al-Khuwarizmi dibaca orang barat menjadi Algorism.> Definisi Algoritma Definisi Algoritma adalah langkah-langkah logis penyelesaian masalah yang disusun secara sistematis dan logis. Contoh sederhana adalah penyusunan sebuah resep makanan, yang biasanya terdapat langkah-langkah cara memasak masakan tersebut. Tapi, algoritma umumnya digunakan untuk membuat diagram alur (flowchart) dalam ilmu komputer / i...

Greek Mathematics and its Modern Heirs

Classical Roots of the Scientific Revolution For over a thousand years--from the fifth century B.C. to the fifth century A.D.--Greek mathematicians maintained a splendid tradition of work in the exact sciences: mathematics, astronomy, and related fields. Though the early synthesis of Euclid and some of the supremely brilliant works of Archimedes were known in the medieval west, this tradition really survived elsewhere. In Byzantium, the capital of the Greek-speaking Eastern empire, the original Greek texts were copied and preserved. In the Islamic world, in locales that ranged from Spain to Persia, the texts were studied in Arabic translations and fundamental new work was done. The Vatican Library has one of the richest collections in the world of the products of this tradition, in all its languages and forms. Both the manuscripts that the Vatican collected and the work done on them in Rome proved vital to the recovery of ancient science--which, in turn, laid the foundation for the Sci...

The First Mathematicians

Introduction The first mathematics can be traced to the ancient country of Babylon and to Egypt during the 3rd millennium BC. A number system with a base of 60 had developed in Babylon over time. Large numbers and fractions could be represented and formed the basis of advanced mathematical evolution. From at least 1700 BC, Pythagorean triples were studied. The study of linear and quadratic equations led to form of primitive numerical algebra. Meanwhile, similar figures, areas, and volumes were studied as well as the primitive values for pi obtained. The Greeks inherited the Babylonian principles and developed mathematics from 450 BC. They discovered that all real numbers could not accurately express all values, such as relationships between sides. Irrational numbers were born. The Greeks progressed rapidly in mathematics from 300 BC. Progress also sped in the Islamic countries of Syria, India, and Iran. Their work had a different focus from that of the Greeks, but all Greek principles...

Roland's Housewarming Gifts

Roland Housewarming Gifts is a house plaques , address plaques , personalized doormats , personalized door mats , housewarming gifts , personalized gifts serviceces. You can desinged your home. For house plaques you can Personalized Address Plaques and House Signs. Its a large selection of custom address plaques and house address signs include metal, slate and custom ceramic adress plaques from ten different manufacturers. Personalized address plaques can include such options as color, font, size, mounting and design. Custom Address Signs will take a different amount of time to ship depending on the manufacturer. You just Click each category for more details. Sample of address plaques For persona lized doormats Browse through this selection of personalized Coir doormats, Polypropylene doormats, Vulcanized rubber doormats, Vinyl-backed coir doormats, Cedar door mats and Aluminum doormats. Also check out of those selection of personalized Slate Boot Mats - a nice place to leave you...

Mathematicians Find New Solutions To An Ancient Puzzle

Many people find complex math puzzling, including some mathematicians. Recently, mathematician Daniel J. Madden and retired physicist, Lee W. Jacobi, found solutions to a puzzle that has been around for centuries. Jacobi and Madden have found a way to generate an infinite number of solutions for a puzzle known as 'Euler's Equation of degree four.' The equation is part of a branch of mathematics called number theory. Number theory deals with the properties of numbers and the way they relate to each other. It is filled with problems that can be likened to numerical puzzles. "It's like a puzzle: can you find four fourth powers that add up to another fourth power" Trying to answer that question is difficult because it is highly unlikely that someone would sit down and accidentally stumble upon something like that," said Madden, an associate professor of mathematics at The University of Arizona in Tucson. Equations are puzzles that need certain solutions ...

Every Day with Recreational Math

May be that word is not macth on this time. Couse more people is hate math. But, on this site methematic is a recretional. You can chose puzzle to have fun. Or you may be wanted mathematic game. is a funny mathematic site. On this site parent, teacher or student cant find all about mathematics. Game, Article, Worksheet, Quizz, and more.